Donations Update 18/9/2020

As of today we have really gained momentum! After taking weeks off of collection and distribution to handle personal affairs we returned to collections on September 14th and in a matter of four days filled my entire bedroom closet and a bin with donations. Thank you so much to all of our local Residents and our online community for stepping up and getting involved you are so loved and appreciated! You have been hand crafted by the divine and your higher self is shining through.

What does this mean? What are the next steps? Well this means that we have been able to collect the supplies to begin homeless out reach. This starts with our local program BRIDGES who service our local community and all of Union county. We are partnering with them to put together at least 30 care packages for the Men who come to see them to shower and need their basic needs met. The goal is to get them all book bags or messenger bags so they have a way to carry belongings that gives them confidence. Previously we were focused on the women in our community and that will continue to be the main focus of our charitable donations, as we were recently blessed with a surplus of toiletries and men’s toiletries we realized we were in a position to reach out and fill a need in the community and are honored to do so.

As for the women in the community. Right now we are working on getting our information into the hands of local outreach programs and churches etc. the goal is to build relationships with them so when a woman in our community is in need the program can reach out to us, and we can get them the supplies needed. This helps the client keep anonymity and helps us be more effective in the community. We are blessed to be forming great alliances with wonderful humans also aligned with a call to service. We are working on collecting more purses to fill for the homeless female outreach. After the 6 day power outage there was a need in the community for uplifting and many smaller care packages went out putting us back to the beginning with collections. We have quickly been able to replenish most supplies but hand bags, book bags, collapsible umbrellas are most needed at this time. I will update the list under the support our sisters tab later this evening with more items we are looking to collect.

The domestic violence outreach is through other programs, we do not work directly with survivors normally for everyone’s safety and anonymity. As a need arises in the community we remain available to step up and create a care package for the individual. If you know of a shelter, church, or program in need of our help feel free to provide them with my email

We are also looking to support women in our community who have hit financial hardship and need a compassionate, uplifting gift from their sisters.

Below are some photos of the care packages we sent out this week and the donations we have come together to collect 💕

Care packages

Dear Sister

Here is my letter to you:
Dear Sister,
I love you. I am so proud of you. I see the effort you are putting in. You amaze me. You are divinely made and full of light. You deserve love and happiness. You are fierce grace. You are on your path to healing and success. You are powerful. You are worthy. You are special and handmade in the image of the most high. You are a blessing here to us all. I am honored to know you. I hope for you to be kind to yourself. Forgive yourself. Treat yourself with dignity. Know that you are whole. Dance. Dance when no ones looking. Dance when everyone is watching. Dance when you are broken open. Dance and know that I dance with you even when we are apart. I love you unconditionally,